Better say this now then later. I apologize in advance for there will be spelling mistakes in my blogs for I’m very dyslexic, I thought about getting it proof read but Then I thought nar…. I am who I am, I suck at spelling, dropped out of high school, have worked over in Australia, now back in nz. love to ride Motorbikes American made by the way, I’m sorry but the sound of a Harley is hard to beat. So with all that in mind I still think for my self, build my self respect on morals, values and honor, speak my mind but manly am not afraid to challenge other views with debates so I can try and understand there side better as they understand mine.

Now let’s get into it…..

This page was created for balance, like in Star Wars who Jedi served the Republic then went into hiding to become the Rebels. I too can see why they stood high in the eyes of so many people that watched these movies. For in today’s world, we do not have the Death star or the army of clones to fear, well not yet anyway. The news has lost its way, they do not Report on facts or what the people should know better yet tell us what to think using their opinions & platform to control those who watch. I know the truth can be hard to swallow but trust me their shit is way worst. We used to stand high with honor/mana, we were Warriors strong with pride. Hearty we were. sadly, I fear we are not anymore. Time to Wake up not Woke up. Look to Leaders to solve problems we face not for their Empathy. If I need a hug, I will get one from my Mum. (Yep, I said that & what) So, to the point I will be giving my looks my opinions into these leaders of the Political parts that Run our Nation. The problems we face today, News they will not report on cough China cough genocide. Better grab a Bucket there is going to be a lot of shit that will be hard to hear & even harder to digest.

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